Welcome to the website of Antique Yakata

Antique Yakata is located on Nawate-dori Street, in the north side of Gion, Kyoto.
We are located in a traditional Kyoto townhouse and sell mainly Japanese and Oriental art.
Our store has been featured in foreign media as a representative store of Kyoto's history.
We look forward to serving you.

Antique Yakata - televised internationally on NHK World-Japan

Please click to see.

English is not my strong point and I am not conversant, If you have any questions or orders, please email me in a clear and simple manner.

Orders are shipped only within Japan.
We do not ship internationally.
For those of you living overseas, please see this page for reference only, Please order from your friends in Japan or visit our store when you come to Japan.

Updated information and types of items are introduced in simple English text.
Japanese and oriental art is listed for sale.

Please see the website in Japanese.
Please click to go to the respective product sales page.
Prices are in Japanese yen.

The website is currently in Japanese, but we plan to add a brief English explanation.
Until then, please see photos and prices only.

Photo of the interior of the Antique Yakata

Features of Antique Yakata

Kyoto is a capital city that has been in existence for a thousand years, and many of Japan's most famous antiques remain. Antique Yakata is located in Gion, a prime location in Kyoto, and is designated as a historic preservation district.
About 70 antique dealers line the streets of this neighborhood.
The shop is located in a traditional Kyoto townhouse that still retains its charming atmosphere.
We are a well-established antique store that receives nearly 100 customers a day from all over the world.

We always display and sell more than 2,000 attractive and interesting items purchased directly from traditional Kyoto townhouse.
We have a wide variety of products not listed on our website.
We look forward to your visit.

Google Street View


Address 197 Nishino-cho, Shinmonzen Nawate-agaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Japan 605-0088
TEL 075-533-1955
Regular holidays Monday & Tuesday
Business hours 11:00~17:30




写真が6枚あります。くわしくはこちら 昭和初期頃の湯吞みです。シンプルなデザインですが、細部まで丁寧に作られており、現在の 陶芸家 ならではの 職人技 がみられる 逸品 で買取させて頂きました。昔の 陶芸 作品の焼き物は、登り窯 のように火をくぐり自然の中で完成します。作品の景色や、状態は、焼きあがるまでわかりません、そこに陶芸作品の面白さがあり、同じ で同時に焼かれても、一点、一点、違い同じ上がりの陶芸作品はありません。採光の加減で白く光っておりますが、上りも良く未使用品に近い品物で、完品 なので買取させて頂きました。このような湯吞は正式な茶道具にはならず、古道具 ですが面白い作品なので紹介します。 湯呑に似た茶道で使う正式な筒茶碗を紹介します。筒茶碗は、真冬に使う細い型のの 茶碗 で、茶を点てて客にすすめる茶碗がほどよく温かくなくてはなりません、そのために茶碗の形状も湯が冷めにくい筒状になっています。茶碗は楽茶碗の様に、手にした感触がむっくりとした土焼の茶碗がふさわしい筒茶碗です。使い方としては、水屋で湯を入れて温めておいた茶碗に、常のとおり茶巾、茶筅、茶杓 を仕組み持ち出します。ただし、この筒茶碗は、お茶をまぜにくいため初心者にはおススメしません。茶碗のカタチが細く、お茶を混ぜるための「茶せん」をまわしにくくなります。茶を点てるときに安定しません。真冬に使われる茶碗で茶が冷めにくく作られており、細い型のため、手で固定しにくく、茶を点てるときに安定しません。タタミの上では、さらに茶を点てにくくなりますので、筒茶碗は初心者には要注意です。