Welcome to the website of Antique Yakata

Antique Yakata is located on Nawate-dori Street, in the north side of Gion, Kyoto.
We are located in a traditional Kyoto townhouse and sell mainly Japanese and Oriental art.
Our store has been featured in foreign media as a representative store of Kyoto's history.
We look forward to serving you.

Antique Yakata - televised internationally on NHK World-Japan

Please click to see.

English is not my strong point and I am not conversant, If you have any questions or orders, please email me in a clear and simple manner.

Orders are shipped only within Japan.
We do not ship internationally.
For those of you living overseas, please see this page for reference only, Please order from your friends in Japan or visit our store when you come to Japan.

Updated information and types of items are introduced in simple English text.
Japanese and oriental art is listed for sale.

Please see the website in Japanese.
Please click to go to the respective product sales page.
Prices are in Japanese yen.

The website is currently in Japanese, but we plan to add a brief English explanation.
Until then, please see photos and prices only.

Photo of the interior of the Antique Yakata

Features of Antique Yakata

Kyoto is a capital city that has been in existence for a thousand years, and many of Japan's most famous antiques remain. Antique Yakata is located in Gion, a prime location in Kyoto, and is designated as a historic preservation district.
About 70 antique dealers line the streets of this neighborhood.
The shop is located in a traditional Kyoto townhouse that still retains its charming atmosphere.
We are a well-established antique store that receives nearly 100 customers a day from all over the world.

We always display and sell more than 2,000 attractive and interesting items purchased directly from traditional Kyoto townhouse.
We have a wide variety of products not listed on our website.
We look forward to your visit.

Google Street View


Address 197 Nishino-cho, Shinmonzen Nawate-agaru, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto Japan 605-0088
TEL 075-533-1955
Regular holidays Monday & Tuesday
Business hours 11:00~17:30




写真が15枚あります。くわしくはこちら この 金工作品 は煎茶道具の銀瓶で、材質は純銀製です。丸みを帯びた曲線美は、日本独特の 職人技 が生かされており買取しました。明治時代から昭和初期にかけて日本で作られた 銀瓶 で、蓋の摘みは七宝透かしの模様が丁寧に作られた 逸品 です。採光の加減で白く光っておりますが、ご覧のように凹み等無く非常に 保存状態 の良い品物で、合わせ箱が付いております。このような日本で作られた骨董品の 銀瓶、買取させて頂きます。 日本の金工の歴史について説明します。 金工とは金属に細工をする工芸、あるいはその職人のことを指し、金属を加工して作られる 工芸品 のことを 金工品 といいます。日本に金属とその加工技術がもたらされたのは、弥生時代初期、紀元前200年頃のこと。中国大陸・朝鮮半島から伝わった金工技術によって剣や銅鐸、装身具などが作られ、材料として 青銅 や鉄が使われていました。古墳時代には馬具や 甲冑 を製作するようになり、青 銅器 の剣や鏡などへの装飾も見られました。この頃の遺跡からは、鋳金によって作られた鉄製の刀や斧なども出土しています。日本ではその後武具甲冑に独自の発展を遂げ 日本独自金工作品 の発展を築きました。